Somewhere between markets, incentives, and games.

I used to think games were just for fun. But have you ever noticed how people who are good at one game tend to be good at others? The same dynamics pop up everywhere—trading, fitness, business, even just figuring out life. I’m Kyle—and I can’t help but turn problems into games—to see how far I can push them.

Good luck competing with companies that actually get this

For years, software spending has been trapped inside IT budgets—a nice, predictable little box, somewhere between 3-7% of revenue. A handful of industries—tech, banking, etc.—pushed that a little higher, but the game was always the same: software companies battling for a fixed slice of IT spend, adjusting pricing models to fit within whatever budgets were approved for the next cycle.

Some thoughts on stablecoins and why SaaS companies should care

Alright, hear me out. SaaS companies should probably start thinking about ditching credit cards and moving to stablecoin payments. Not today, not next quarter, but soon-ish. Because credit cards are a scam. Okay, maybe not a scam, but a wildly outdated and stupidly expensive tax on software businesses.

Growth is dead, long live growth

The past 15 years have been a beautiful, chaotic mess. The playbook for online growth was basically: find the new digital watering hole where attention is underpriced, figure out what the algorithm gods want, and exploit it until they inevitably change the rules. It was fun while it lasted.

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    Director of Marketing
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    Slow Money Institute
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    Slow Money Institute
    Growth Marketing Manager
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